
Since 1884, Madison Square Boys & Girls Club has provided a safe, stable, supportive environment for youth in some of New York City’s most under-served neighborhoods.

Generosity in the face of uncertainty.

At this unique time, Madison’s role in the lives of our members – as a source of community, a resource for guidance and security, and a vehicle for connecting with opportunity – is more critical than ever before. Your support today will ensure that Madison’s members continue to learn and grow, stay connected to mentors, and persevere with their school work during this uncertain time.

Learn more about Madison.


Our Priority Outcomes

Madison provides targeted programs to young people who need us most. The Clubhouse environment fulfills elements that foster effective youth development and empower our young people to succeed. The positive, enriching Club experience helps each of our members make progress toward our priority outcomes:

  • Academic Success

  • Good Character & Citizenship

  • Healthy Lifestyles

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Our Clubhouses

Madison is committed to serving NYC neighborhoods where young people need us most. For many Madison members, the Clubhouse is a second home.


Madison’s COVID-19 Response

As always, the safety of our members is our highest priority. We safely re-opened the Clubs for summer programming and re-opened at the end of September 2020 to provide enrichment to NYC public school students and our members. To ensure the health and safety of our youth and staff, we are operating at decreased capacity to maintain social distancing and comply with all CDC regulations.


Special Events

Madison Square Boys & Girls Club relies on special events to help us continue to save and enhance the lives of New York City youth.

Madison is teaching me how to be a leader.